The term “unaccompanied minor asylum seekers” (UMAs) refers to children under the age of 18 who are separated from their caregivers, and who apply for asylum in a foreign country. The increase in the numbers of UMAs arriving in  Europe from 2000-2003, along with an understanding of UMAs as particularly vulnerable, formed the point of departure for the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration to initiate this study.

Our main source of data has been an electronic, web-based survey. The questionnaire was sent to Denmark, Finland, France, Hungary, the Netherlands, Norway, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. None of these countries have a separate tracing unit within the organization responsible for tracing UMAs´ families. All the countries co-operate with NGOs, mostly with the national offices of the Red Cross on an ad hoc basis. Some countries make use of their embassies or other diplomatic missions in the UMAs countries of origin.

Tracing UMAs´ families
Plassering i mangfoldsbiblioteket – Ldb D

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Utgitt år – 2006

Utgiver – NOVA

Undertittel – A comparative study of some European countries’ practices and experiences in tracing the parents or caregivers of unaccompanied minor asylum seekers

Språk – Engelsk

Antall sider – 67

Dokumenttype – rapport

ISBN – 82-7894-249-8